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The Definition of Idolatry

You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Exodus 20:4

This month, we’ve talked a lot about idolatry. That’s because this time of year is far busier than usual and is often driven by desires for material things. The combination of these two factors creates a great opportunity for idols to find their way into our lives.

Before we can avoid idolatry, we have to understand what it is. It is having anything that comes between you and God. It doesn’t matter if it’s your family, career or favorite TV show—there is no justifying its importance, because nothing matters more than your relationship with God and His Son Jesus.

When you elevate something of the world ahead of your relationship with our Savior, it’s a slap in the face to Him. Jesus sacrificed His life so that we would not be held responsible for our sins. He completely resisted temptation for more than 30 years so that His blood would be wholly innocent. Then He endured unimaginable torture. He was whipped and beaten—disgraced in front of the entire city—and yet He did not protest. He fought his way to Golgotha where He hung in the sun until His last breath faded away. Nothing that this world can offer has such value.

Today, remember to enter this holiday week with your priorities set straight. Give all of your love to Jesus first, and He shall purify it and return it to your family. Be thankful for the gifts that you receive, but know that they will return to dust in the end. Celebrate our Savior’s birthday by making sure there are no idols competing with Him for glory.

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