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The Costs of Living

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:11- 12

For everything in this world, there is a cost. Even when we are born-again Christians and protected by God, we should not expect things to be easy. He never told us that triumph was guaranteed, but made sure we have the teachings we need

to endure whatever life throws at us. Our right to practice religion in God’s name

is protected by the sacrifices of thousands of former and current members

of the military. Today is Veteran’s Day, a day to honor and remember those who helped cover the cost of our opportunity and freedom. Many soldiers have given their lives to keep this country safe, just as Jesus sacrificed His for the security of our spiritual future. Without the brave legions of souls before us, you might not be reading this devotional today. The terror attacks of 9/11 cost us more than any tragedy in decades. When the planes hit the World Trade Center towers, more than 2,000 innocent lives were taken. This blatant assault cost us peace of mind, a sense of security that we have yet to regain. You see the changes in airports and border patrols as fear continues to drive us to extreme preventive measures. No matter how high the cost of our lives, Jesus is there to support us through the good and the bad times. Today, spend time honoring the veterans who have served this country. Pray that God will protect our men and women of service, and thank Him for keeping us under His wing throughout such trials.

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