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The Compatibility Between Religion and Science

He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness,

and light dwells with him. Daniel 2:22-23

For some reason, many people believe that there is no way to strike a balance between science and religion. Christians fear that science is trying to disprove the existence of a creator. Scientists assert that no mind could be behind the processes of this world. In reality, this isn’t true at all. Science is a way to show the complexities of God’s design and how His beautiful world works. The first disagreement between science and religion may have been due to Galileo. He’s credited as the father of modern science, and in the 1600s, he determined that Earth revolved around the sun (not the other way around, as most people believed at the time). There was a ripple of discomfort and disbelief among the religious leaders. If we were God’s most prized creation, how could we only be a part of a larger solar system? Further, how could they explain the way the sun and the moon rise and set in the sky? Eventually, everyone reconciled. Galileo’s evidence proved that he was correct. Religious leaders learned to use the new information as a means of explanation, instead of resisting it. Since that time, we’ve seen again and again that science and religion are highly compatible. You can understand the way that God designed the human body and how He built this delicately balanced planet, just for us. Today, take some time to reflect on the way that our heavenly Father has engineered this world. He has given consideration to every detail, from the scales on a butterfly’s wings to the waves of the ocean. Truly, we live in a world of miracles.

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