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The Bricks of a Broken Home

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Revelation 21:4

All across this nation, there are broken homes. This crumbling of families and relationships is one of our greatest social issues. It could even be argued as the base from which other societal problems have arisen. It’s something that we have dealt with increasingly, but it seems as though most people are simply willing to accept the statistics as the “new norm.”

Our homes are where we develop the foundation of our beings and personality. When we’re raised in the glory of Christ, we know His word and will. When we’re raised among sin and hatred, however, it becomes second nature to us. Children see divorce, fighting, cursing and drinking—and they assume that it happens in every family. They adapt to such habits quickly, and before long, those habits are deeply ingrained in the child’s attitude. Once they’re grown, these damaged and misled adults go out into the world and further spread the evil ways of the world.

The only way to fight against this plague of divorce and unhealthy relationships is to turn to God. We must study His word and pray together if we want to learn the errors of our ways. It’s necessary that we put Him first, even in our marriage, so that He can show us the right direction. Broken homes make broken lives, but God is the healer of all things. It is with these new bricks in faith that the walls of your relationships may be repaired.

Today, check on the condition of your own home. Are your priorities in order? Do you set a good example for your loved ones? If you answer no, turn to the Lord for help quickly. He can heal the damage before it’s too late.

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