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The Beauty of Trust

Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord. Proverbs 16:20

Trust can be a hard thing to come by. Humans are selfish by nature, so you must earn the right to be relied upon. Still, even the ones we learn to trust can betray us in an instant if they choose. To trust is to give someone else power over you willingly. It usually only takes one bad experience for us to shut other people out on a grand scale, simply because being betrayed hurts so much. A single person can taint our view of our friends and family and rob us of the ability to trust anyone else, at least for a while. People are inherently flawed because of the sinful world we live in. A great way to become more trustworthy to others is to build a personal relationship with God. He will guide your heart about keeping information safe and secure. Prayer and time in the Scripture, for example, can help you resist the temptation to gossip. But still, even with the assistance of the Lord, humans are not perfect. So is there anyone you can truly trust? Yes: God. He will never betray us. Unlike people, there are no selfish purposes for the Lord to serve. It’s actually quite the opposite. We are His children, and He is the very embodiment of love. To break our trust would go against the very fundamentals of His existence. Today, even though others may hurt or betray you, know that you can always trust in the Lord. He is eternal, omniscient and devoted to each of His children.

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