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The Alabaster Jar

When Jesus was in Bethany...a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on His head as He was reclining at the table.

Matthew 26:6

The woman of Bethany, sometimes called Mary, is mentioned in all four Gospels. Here, she’s pictured pouring her perfume over Jesus’ head. In Luke, it is said she poured it over His feet and wiped them with her hair and her tears. There is debate about this woman. Some scholars say she is Mary Magdalene, while others say she is Mary of Bethany, whose brother Lazarus Jesus raised from the dead. Still others claim she is a sinful woman or prostitute whom Jesus had forgiven.

No matter who this woman was, she did a beautiful thing for Jesus, as He says a few verses later. She was willing to approach Jesus and interact with Him in an intimate way, one most people of her day would’ve found scandalous. She was also willing to sacrifice her expensive perfume, sometimes called “pure nard,” in a selfless act. Likely, she saved for that perfume for many weeks, even months, and had set it aside for the most special of occasions.

Of course, not everyone appreciated the woman of Bethany’s gift. All four Gospels record someone—Judas Iscariot or a Pharisee—becoming indignant at the “waste” of perfume. Sometimes, this happens to today’s Christians. We use our gifts in ways that God shows us, but that other believers and nonbelievers don’t understand. We may be called wasteful or foolish. However, that shouldn’t stop us from using our gifts.

Today, think about what is in your alabaster jar. In other words, what is your most precious talent or gift? What is it you love to do, that brings you your greatest joy? Think about it, and ask God for the opportunity to pour it out freely for Him. When you do, you will have done a beautiful thing.

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