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Teaching the Ten Commandments

Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Children give us a world of opportunity—to grow ourselves as Christians and teach the Word of the Lord to the next generation. The Lord asks us to take His Ten Commandments into our hearts, teaching them to our children and speaking of them frequently. Those who love the Lord must do everything in their power to engage their children with Him and pass this affection from generation to generation.

Today’s children may not be as willing to hear the Word of the Lord as previous generations. Children have much more opportunity for distraction and entertainment. We must be diligent in impressing the Commandments onto our children in a way that will make their meanings clear.

Today’s verse reminds us that the Lord wants us to instill His lessons on our children at all times, preserving Christianity in your family. If you’re at a loss as to how to teach the Ten Commandments to your children, try these tips:

  • Daily reminders. Mention one Commandment every day, as a life lesson or just as a reminder, until your children know them by heart.

  • Set an example. Obey the Ten Commandments in your own daily life, and your children will follow your example.

  • Arts and crafts. Turn learning the Commandments into a fun activity. This

  • is a great memorization tool and makes learning about the Word of God engaging.

  • Relate them to today. The Ten Commandments may seem irrelevant to today’s children. Make sure they understand the everlasting power of God’s rules by relating them to your children’s everyday lives.

    Not every commandment will be appropriate for every age—it may be difficult to explain some to young children. As your kids grow, their ears will be more ready to hear these lessons.

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