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Taste the Lord's Goodness

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Psalm 34:8

“God is great, God is good.” It’s one of the first lessons we learn in Sunday school. Perhaps you made this into a prayer you said over food. All over the Bible, we are told the Lord is good and His love endures forever. However, today’s verse is one that attaches verbs to that goodness.

As another devotional writer put it, “taste” and “see” are experience words. They refer to two of our five senses, arguably two of the strongest ones we have. What we see and taste often stays in our minds longer than what we touch, smell or hear, because the eyes and the tongue are such complex organs. Perhaps God designed them that way so when He invited us to taste and see His goodness, we would know how deep He wished the experience to be.

Yet, how do you taste and see goodness? Goodness is an abstract concept; you can’t eat it or examine it like a piece of artwork. More importantly, we are talking about this God’s goodness. How can we see His goodness when we cannot see Him?

God gives us many ways to experience who He is and see He is good. His Word is one. Reading the Bible reveals God’s will for His people, as well as His all-encompassing, sacrificial love. Prayer and fellowship are other ways to experience God’s goodness. Communicating directly with God or talking about Him with fellow believers brings you closer to Him.

Outside of prayer and the Bible, here are a few more ways to experience God’s goodness:

  • Journal: Write letters to God.

  • Read an uplifting book.

  • Go on a hike and thank God for His creations.

  • Exercise to honor God with your body.

  • Sing praise songs to Go

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