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Suffering Isn't Permanent

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Romans 8:18

Today’s verse is one Christians like to pull out when suffering comes, along with Romans 8:28, which promises that all things work together for the good of those who love God. These verses are true and valuable.

If you or someone you love is suffering, what do you most need to hear? Perhaps one of the most common responses is, “I need to hear this suffering will end.” Today’s verse indicates suffering is not permanent. In fact, Paul promises here that suffering leads to glory. He’s not referring to our own glory, but the glory of Christ.

As Paul writes earlier in Romans, suffering makes us more like Christ, imbuing us with His patience, gentleness, kindness and other wonderful fruits. Our world is fallen, so suffering is a given. Yet, when we return to Heaven to be with Christ, we’ll see its ultimate positive results.

Of course, future glory in Heaven can feel like cold comfort when suffering is happening. Unfortunately, God doesn’t promise to fix all our suffering when we want it fixed or give us the solutions we expected. He does, however, promise to rescue the brokenhearted. He promises to comfort us with an ease beyond what people can give and to make us strong through our suffering.

If you’re suffering, open your heart to God. Tell Him how you feel, even if you’re angry, frustrated or doubt He is real. Ask Him to make Himself real to you and show you some things that can make your suffering easier. Having a serious illness can impact all areas of your life, but focusing on favorite activities and positive meditations can help. Hold onto the truth of who God is and what He can do for you. Your suffering will begin to seem easier.

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1 comentário

Kat Willson
19 de jan.

Oh how I needed this today! Thank you

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