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Stewardship of the Environment

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Genesis 2:15

The Bible clearly states that man and woman are the only creations made in God’s image. However, today’s verse indicates that His other creations are also important. Before sin entered the world, Adam was placed in the beautiful Garden of Eden and charged with its care. Although God could have made the garden self-sustaining, He allowed Adam to tend and enjoy it.

God wants us to do the same thing with our environment. Some Christians aren’t fully aware of this. They reason that because the Bible also says the earth will pass away one day, they can treat it as they wish. This reasoning actually dishonors God because it doesn’t respect His original plan. God doesn’t want us to worship His creation, but He expects us to be good stewards of it.

Today, pray and thank God for the many beautiful and useful things He has created. It may help to take a walk in nature and focus prayers on what you observe. After that, think about how you can be a good steward of the creation around you. This could be anything from recycling and saving energy to tending your own garden. You could also consider joining a group that cleans up local parks or green spaces, raises awareness of animal welfare or teaches people how to grow their own food. While participating in these activities, remember God’s original plan for nature. Thank Him that you get to enjoy its beauty and bounty.

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