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Staying Strong With Forgiveness

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy- seven times. Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiving someone else can be difficult, especially when they have harmed you personally and your feelings are hurt. It seems, however, that the more you have to forgive someone, the more miserable it makes you. So how can we expect to keep absolving hurtful or malicious behavior? We must think like Jesus. As you can see, even the disciples struggled with forgiveness sometimes. Humans are emotionally-charged creatures, and whenever our feelings are hurt, it can be difficult to let go. In fact, it can even seem unfair to us. We’re left suffering with anger or pain, and in most cases, the one who hurt us walks away without a second thought. In truth, withholding forgiveness is a form of revenge ... but it only

hurts us. Holding onto negative feelings takes up room in our hearts, room that could be occupied by the love of Jesus. If you remain bitter for too long, the sour feelings can spoil positive emotions, like an infection of blame and resentment. When you consider our purpose, however, it may be easier to let those negative emotions go. If you’ve been born again, you’ve chosen to give your life to Christ and live it, to the best of your abilities, just like He did. And Jesus, above all, forgives. He sacrificed His life for things that people like us hadn’t even done yet. And even when we stray today, He offers us exoneration. If we want to show His grace, we must do our best to live it. Today, let go of any ill feelings you have. Free yourself of your grudges and make room for love.

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