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Starting September With Hope

Love the Lord, all his faithful people! The Lord preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:23-24

The beginning of a new month offers us a fresh start. It gives us the chance to make new promises, both to ourselves and our heavenly Father. Each time we move to a new chapter in our lives, we must carry hope along with us and be confident that our future is secure. But it’s just as important that we choose the right target for

this hope. David was one of the greatest kings in the Bible. He led Israel to growth and prosperity, enjoying both necessities and luxuries along the way. But things were not easy for him. Saul wanted him dead. Rival nations wanted his country. His close associates wanted his throne. Psalm 31 was born from an attempted mutiny, as David was crying to God to help him. He knew the Lord had put him in his position for a reason, and he hoped God would protect him. David leaned on his faith, knowing he would continue to trust God, no matter the outcome. With the current state of our nation, it’s easy to want to put our hope in other things—whether it’s in a new job, political leader or ourselves. To face September with the best mindset, however, our hope must be placed in God. Know that regardless of the issues you’re facing, He can rescue you. There are no financial burdens too large and no emotional scars too deep. Today, be strong, take heart and face this new month with the knowledge that there is a divine plan just for you.

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