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Stability and Steadfastness

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.

Isaiah 33:6

Have you ever missed a step or stumbled going down the stairs? It’s a very scary feeling. Your heart usually jumps right into your throat. Your hands and legs will move wildly, instinctively, as you try to regain your balance. Sometimes, you cannot recover from the mishap and end up falling down entirely. Just the same, there are instances in life that leave us scrambling to keep our footing.

There are many events that can throw us off balance. It could be a car wreck, sudden medical expense or storm damage to your house. Other problems make us stumble even harder, like a death in the family or going through a divorce. The whole world is an unstable surface just waiting to make us falter.

What if you could always have someone there to catch you when you take a misstep? How much more likely would you be to keep your footing when you stagger if there was an extended hand waiting to grab you? For Christians, this isn’t a daydream. It’s a reality.

No matter how rough things gets, the Lord is always there to catch us. If we stumble, He’ll take us in His arms and keep us upright. If we fall, He’ll pick us up off the ground and set us back on our feet. He’ll even tend to the cuts and scrapes we might have from crashing to the floor.

Today, don’t be afraid if you stumble. Jesus is always there to catch us and even the worst events of this world are only temporary. His love and grace is forever.

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