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Spiritually Ill

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Matthew 9:12 & 13b

You know when you are becoming physically ill. Your symptoms may vary from illness to illness, but some remain consistent. You feel tired or rundown. Your body aches. You don’t feel like doing your normal activities, and everything seems to take much more effort than it usually does.

When we become physically ill, we know how to remedy it. A lingering sickness often signals we need to see a doctor, a professional who can diagnose our specific problems and give us the tools we need to get well. However, what does it mean to be spiritually ill? How can we diagnose spiritual illness and what medicines do we need to eradicate it?

Like physical sickness, spiritual disease looks different for every person. A non- Christian may show chronic and obvious symptoms, such as outright disdain for God, an unusually short temper, or a tendency to speak hurtful or unedifying words. In contrast, a spiritually ill Christian may be better at hiding his or her symptoms. He or she may go through the motions in terms of Bible reading, prayer and church, but seem numb or disengaged. He or she could also participate in ongoing secret sin.

The good news is that no matter your belief status, Jesus has the cure for all forms of spiritual illness. For the nonbeliever, the cure is admitting sin, confessing it and turning to Him for a changed life. For the believer, the cure may involve repentance or a request for a deeper, more vibrant spiritual life. In addition to prayer, godly counsel may be needed. Draw strength from the truth that you

can get well.

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