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Son of My Right Hand

As she breathed her lastfor she was dyingshe named her son Ben-Oni. But his father named him Benjamin. Genesis 35:18

Names are often significant in the Bible. Most Bibles have footnotes explaining what certain names mean, and those names often greatly influence the individual’s life. That influence increases and becomes more positive when God chooses to change someone’s name. For example, He changed Benjamin’s father’s name from Jacob, which can mean “deceiver,” to Israel, which means, “May God prevail.” Perhaps because of his own name change, Jacob steps in to change his youngest son’s name in today’s verse. His mother Rachel named him Ben-Oni, which means “son of my trouble.” Most likely, she was referring to her difficult childbirth. Maybe, though, Jacob thought seriously about the name and predicted such a moniker would have negative consequences. Thus, he chose Benjamin, meaning “son of my right hand,” for this last son of his favorite wife. In this passage, Jacob acts much like our heavenly Father. Not many of us change our names, but we often feel as if our sin or trouble influences who we are. If we allow troubles to define us, negative consequences will follow. We will be rendered ineffective as Christians and may waver in our faith. God wants us to remember we are sons and daughters of His right hand. In biblical times, the right hand was the place of honor, which we all occupy as co-heirs with Jesus Christ. If you are struggling with sin or other negative events in your life, lift up your troubles to God. Tell Him how much they affect you and ask to be lifted up. God will faithfully remind you of your place of honor so you can go out with confidence and do His will with full knowledge that your Father loves you.

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