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Social Justice

Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:9- 10

Social justice is a hot topic among many Christians, as we debate what it means in a modern context. Some Christians accuse others of not caring for the poor and needy enough, focusing too much on social issues such as gay marriage, abortion and fiscal responsibility. Christians in this group, in turn, accuse their fellow believers of not being discerning enough, not being fair to life inside the womb, and contributing to the decline of values by accepting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lifestyles. Whatever Christian camp you fall into, neither of these attitudes reflect true social justice.

What then, is true social justice? Today’s verses give us a clue. God simply says to leave part of what you have for the poor and the foreigner, which today could mean anyone who is less fortunate than you. God does not specify whether this person is a Democrat or Republican, what his or her orientation is, or whether he or she is a vegetarian, abstains from alcohol, or eats only kosher food. In several other verses throughout the Bible, Jesus indicates that our primary responsibility to needy people is kindness and generosity.

Additionally, God expects our generous hearts to be sincere and as open as possible. This verse uses the word “leave” in the context of giving to the poor and needy. In other words, letting them have their share. It does not, however, mean that poor people should get only what we do not want. When you donate to charity, be sure you’re giving possessions in good condition. Give out of the best of what you have, and you will be rewarded.

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