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Small, but Mighty

I know that you have little strength, but you have kept my word and not denied

my name.

Revelation 3:8b

Today’s verse was written to one of the seven churches, the church in Philadelphia. The Philadelphian church is one of the only two for which Jesus had only praise (Smyrna is the other). At first, this might seem confusing. Jesus says Philadelphia has “little strength,” so it would make sense for Him to criticize some of what they were doing or not doing. However, He promises them open doors “that no one can shut” and to make their persecutors “come and fall at [their] feet.”

What did the church of Philadelphia do to merit such praise and promises? Jesus says they kept His word and did not deny Him. As simple as that sounds, it was probably highly difficult for the congregation. Revelation was written in a time of intense persecution. Thousands of Christians were tortured and killed for their beliefs. It would have been easy for a small church like the Philadelphian one to backslide or even disband. Still, these congregants remained strong and trusted Jesus for their needs.

You may not endure the persecution Philadelphia faced, but you have likely related to their congregation’s plight. Maybe God has called you to do something, but you feel too small in spirit to accomplish it. Maybe people around you ridicule your faith, and it’s difficult for you to endure. If you are in these or similar circumstances, turn to the church of Philadelphia for encouragement. Ask Jesus to give you strength and open new doors for you. Your efforts will be rewarded greatly.

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