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Setting Goals

So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.

2 Corinthians 5:9

We see many social media posts including the word “goals.” It began as a silly trend among the younger generation, but now millions of people are comparing their lives to one another to set these goals. Most of them are harmless and show respectable aims for the future, such as owning a dog or decorating your first house. Setting goals for this world is a good way to keep us motivated, but we have much bigger objectives too.

As a Christian, our number one goal is to love Jesus. We are meant to follow in His footsteps and become an outlet for his works. When we give Him our full attention and love, we’re able to purify our hearts and souls and become a new creation in His name. We can achieve this goal through time in the Scripture and by praying frequently and passionately. Each moment with Him makes us closer to God.

Another Christian goal is to love one another. This can only be accomplished with help from Christ. We must experience His great love and acceptance before we will be properly equipped to offer that same affection to other people. When we know Him intimately, He will work through us to touch this lost and dying world.

Today, think about your goals in Christ. If you don’t have any, it’s time to create some. If you do, ask yourself if you’re meeting your own expectations. Could you be working harder to grow in your Christian life? Remember, the only way to reach your goals is through diligence and hard work.

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