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Separating Our Conscience From the Holy Spirit

This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. John 3:19-20

Some Christians have been taught that their conscience and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. Whenever they are uncertain about an activity, they believe it’s a translation of God’s concerns about it. This is because the Holy Spirit certainly does speak to us if we will listen, guiding us with gentle nudges and warnings. But our consciences have not been replaced by the Spirit of God. As born-again Christians, we change on a spiritual level, but our flesh is still alive and active. The conscience, despite how divine it may feel, is still a piece of the flesh. As we know, the flesh is naturally set against the Spirit. It is developed in a world of sin, over time, through input from other people, and it does not go away after we receive the gift of grace. As a remnant of your old self, the conscience will still be functioning as your inner voice, but it may be based on a sinful version of yourself instead of the new you made in Jesus. Sometimes it may be right, but we cannot rely solely on our conscience. Instead, we must turn to Lord for guidance. When we pray for wisdom over an activity or subject, He will give us the answer that truly matters – the one from His commands. Today, take time to consider if you’ve been following your conscience blindly. Remember that the flesh and the spirit, like water and oil, are not made to mix. Ask our heavenly Father to guide you in your pursuits and show you answers to your questions. His response may even surprise you.

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