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Seeing Satan's Work

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4

“The god of this age...” sounds quite ominous, doesn’t it? When God cast Satan from Heaven, he took hold in the world. His purpose is only to hurt us and try to lead us astray, even hide us from the love of Christ. Unfortunately, he’s rather successful at his job, and we can see his work throughout our world. The entertainment business is one of Satan’s most powerful tools. Yes, there have been non-harmful and even Christian platforms, but this is not the case the majority of the time. Graphic novels are teaching that sex before marriage is both permissible and favorable. Movies and television glorify violence and disobedience. They show lying as a normal part of life. Music brags on the power of drugs or alcohol to have a good time. Political and educational leaders have also been set up in line with the devil’s plan. Sin is becoming more and more permissible ... even celebrated in many cases. Some professors or other teachers try to nullify or disprove God’s enduring Word. ... And that only scratches the surface. These works of Satan are most harmful to the minds of the young, especially if they do not have family or friends who are Christians. Teenagers are wildly impressionable by nature, but without access to the love of God, they will fall deeper and deeper into the ways of sin. Today, pray that God will protect your mind and the minds of your loved ones from this sinful assault. Ask Jesus to help you eliminate Satan’s work in your own life so you may live better and more easily reach out to others.

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