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Secrets Entrusted to Servants

He did not realize where it had come from, though the servant that drew the water knew.

John 2:9b

Today’s verse highlights Jesus’ first miracle, changing water to wine at the wedding in Cana. When most people read this story, they focus on the miracle, skimming over small details like this one. Yet God often hides important information for His children to discover. Today’s verse is a prime example.

Read it again, and focus on who does and doesn’t have information. The master doesn’t know where the water to provide the new wine has come from. He knows Jesus has provided the wine because he can see Him performing the miracle. Yet the master of the house doesn’t know Jesus requested the water. Only the servants who had drawn the water know this.

Why is that significant? A careful reading shows us at least two reasons. First and perhaps most obvious, servants aren’t often trusted with exclusive knowledge. They’re seen as quiet workers, not confidants. In asking the servants to draw

water He uses for the miracle, Jesus takes them into His inner circle—if only for

a moment.

Secondly, Jesus’ choice shows these servants were both faithful and trustworthy. They could have revealed their part in the miracle and out of pride, but they

didn’t. Instead, they were content to do as asked and enjoy Jesus’ miracle with everyone else.

These servants provide a remarkable example for Christians. We’re Christ’s servants, and as such, we’re privileged to know what our Master is doing. However, we won’t always get the credit we feel we deserve or the significant positions other people are afforded. When this happens, it can be tempting to become prideful or bitter. This story encourages us to remain faithful, patient and trustworthy instead, so we can reap great rewards later.

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