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Searching for Wisdom

Indeed, if you cry out for insight ... and search for it as hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:3-5

Millions (perhaps billions) of subjects exist for us to study. These branch out into billions of careers at which we can become experts. The only One we’ll never completely understand no matter how hard we try is God. We’ll never know everything possible about Him because, unlike God, humans are limited.

That said, God wants us to know Him as intimately as we can. He withholds some knowledge, because it is “too lofty for [us],” but He invites us to gain wisdom regarding His ways. Today’s verse tells us how to do it: diligently, as if searching for the most valuable treasure in the world.

Although some people use “wisdom” and “knowledge” interchangeably, don’t confuse the two. Knowledge refers to facts we can grasp with the human mind, or truths boiled down to their essence. You have knowledge of God if you know He is love, or if you know He can perform miracles. Knowledge is a step toward wisdom, but it only provides the basics.

Wisdom regarding God’s ways and true understanding of God must be cultivated over time. Again, you’ll never fully understand God but will achieve a level of understanding. This will help you love and trust Him more, and it provides the next step toward wisdom. Wisdom is the application of your knowledge and understanding. You prove you’re wise when you know, accept and enact God’s ways in a given situation.

At any point on your spiritual journey, you glean new knowledge, understanding and wisdom. You may stay in the “knowledge” phase for a long time regarding a specific characteristic of God or a spiritual question. Don’t rush this process. Instead, continue seeking and asking for wisdom, and enjoy the journey.

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