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Sacrifice of Praise

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His name.

Hebrews 13:15

In ancient Israel, before Christ’s birth, people would offer animal sacrifices at the local temples to atone for their sins. God often asked for unblemished lambs, innocent animals who did not deserve to be sacrificed, to emphasize the seriousness of sin and the need for forgiveness.

These sacrifices were painful for the people and animals involved, but praise isn’t generally associated with pain. Why, then, does the author of Hebrews talk about a sacrifice of praise? Most Christians associate this verse with what they should do in times when they don’t feel like praising God. Indeed, a “sacrifice of praise” can be your effort to praise and worship God when your emotions want to do the opposite. When you sincerely praise God in the midst of sadness, confusion or anger, He sees and rewards it. Additionally, these sacrifices of praise will help you grow spiritually as your faith in God’s goodness becomes stronger.

Another way to look at a sacrifice of praise is as a freewill offering. The Israelites often made these to God in praise for His deeds or in thanks for favor He had shown them. You can do the same in your own time with God. Sing hymns or praise songs, or dance in praise. Write a story, poem or psalm that glorifies God and extols what He’s done for you as well as His wonderful traits. Go to a favorite outdoor place, and thank God for His creations. No matter what your sacrifice looks like, it will please God.

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