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Running a Good Race

Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24

If you’ve ever participated in a marathon, race or other athletic event, you know how taxing it can be. For those of us who are not athletically inclined, our weekly workouts can be a commitment in themselves. Some of us have other “races,” such as finishing a college degree, raising children or completing a stint in the military. No matter what the race looks like, it can require plenty of stamina and get tiring. Sometimes you might wonder if running is even worth it. In today’s verse, Paul assures us that every race is worth it and encourages us to run in a way that makes us worthy of the prize. When Paul wrote this verse, scholars speculate he was subtly jabbing Nero, who would award himself medals in athletic games just because he was emperor. However, he was also talking about the self-discipline of life as a Christian and encouraging all believers to do their physical and spiritual jobs well. You may not receive medals for raising your children, completing your degree or living life well in the face of cancer, lupus or a physical disability. God, however, will know what you’ve done and be pleased. The Bible says He awards crowns of victory to all believers at their judgment, and that a “cloud of witnesses” cheers us on in Heaven each day. If you are physically, emotionally or spiritually tired today, take a break. Ask God to remind you of the witnesses cheering you on and of the people behind you in the Christian race. Those people are counting on you to lead them. Pray to be shown how to do that. Above all, keep the end in mind, because it will be great.

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