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Righteous Anger

In your anger, do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:26- 27

Everyone gets angry. It is a human emotion and in itself, not sinful. These verses point out that it is what we do with anger that makes it sinful or not. When we choose to let anger control us, we are more likely to sin with our words or actions. However, what about righteous anger? This term is often used in Christian circles but is unfamiliar to many people. Simply put, righteous anger is hating or becoming angry at the things that anger God. For example, you could experience righteous anger at a person who abuses a child or an animal or someone who takes advantage of the disabled or elderly. You’re might experience it when you become angry at what terrorists do to innocent persons across the world or when you react to news of murder or rape. God understands our anger in all situations, but He wants us to express it in constructive ways, especially when it is righteous. Whenever you are angry, think as carefully as you can about the best way to express it. God might lead you to write a letter to someone in power about your grievances or participate in a protest. He may ask you to stand up for an abused or marginalized person. You may simply be led to pray for the situation and the people in it, that their hearts will turn toward God. Whatever you are led to do, do it faithfully. Let God help you deal with your anger and be ready when it’s time to let the anger go. Once you’ve worked through the emotion, you’ll be better able to do the next thing God has in store for you and show compassion to the people you encounter.

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