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Respect for Elders

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.

Proverbs 16:31

Today’s senior citizens live much different lives than those in biblical times. In ancient Israel, elderly parents and grandparents often lived under the same roof as adult children and grandchildren. Because they lived so much longer than people do today, older people were considered walking examples of wisdom. They were respected as family leaders and diligently cared for. They were consulted often, and their opinions held plenty of weight.

Compare that to the way seniors are often treated today. They are seen as irrelevant because their generation has passed. They are often placed in low- income housing or nursing facilities away from their families. Some elderly people who do live with families are not treated as vital members of the circle. Certainly, this is not the case all the time. Many senior citizens are loved and cherished. However, it is rare that their gray hair and years of hard-won wisdom are treated as crowns of glory.

Solomon may have thought about these situations when he wrote today’s proverb. Here, he admonishes readers to go beyond “respecting their elders.” In describing gray hair as a crown of splendor, Solomon indicates that the aged, no matter their physical and mental condition, are to be revered. Even if they cannot share their experiences, these are to be learned from. They are to be cared for and loved, and to participate in family activities as much as possible.

If you have a senior citizen in your life, such as an aging parent or a grandparent, visit them today. If you can’t, call or email to say how much they mean to you. Ask them about their lives and what they want you to know, and truly listen. Your efforts will be rewarded when you attain your own gray crown.

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