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Redeeming Rain

You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.

Isaiah 45:8

In many regions, July and August are marked with powerful thunderstorms and heavy rains. Instead of seeing rain as a sign of darkness and depression, this verse shows us that rain is meant to cleanse and nurture. Throughout the Bible, rain and floods are symbols of wonderful cleansing: the flood that isolated Noah on the arc, the rain and wind that slammed against the house on the rock in Matthew 7, and the rain the Lord sent to the wicked in Samuel 12, among others. Rain is a symbol of God’s mightiness, as He is the only one with the power to make rain and thunder.

Rain has multiple meanings throughout the Bible. In many verses, it’s proof of God’s awesome power. Rain can cause awesome strife and flooding, but it’s also what enables the earth to grow, giving us food to eat. Rain is a symbol of

salvation and righteousness, as God has created it. The Lord commands blessings to descend upon His people, and Christians should willingly and gratefully

receive them.

Without rain, the earth can’t flourish. It droops and dies. When showers descend on the earth, they bring forth fruit and plants. Christians should see rainstorms as a revival of righteousness, just as it revives the earth. Let the earth become fruitful in producing salvation from heavenly rain.

If you’re feeling down in this rainy season, take heart in the knowledge that God has created it. Just as rain is a metaphor for righteousness and salvation in Isaiah 45:8, let the rain be a constant reminder of the Lord’s presence in your life. Enjoy life-giving rain, and let righteousness spring up in you like shoots from the ground.

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