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Recognizing Love, Part 3

... It is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5

This installment in Recognizing Love is particularly relevant for today. The culture of instant gratification and selfishness in which we live opens the door for self-serving and petty behaviors. True love, however, is not self-seeking. In fact, it is considerate and altruistic. We should be willing to make sacrifices for our loved ones at the cost of our personal agendas. Love is not easily angered. Human nature is grossly flawed, and it’s very easy to become frustrated with one another. God tells us to protect our spouse and be compassionate. The more quickly we become angry, the more likely it is that we will dishonor or hurt our significant other. Perhaps the most pertinent part of this section is that love keeps no record of wrongs. It is our instinct to keep count of any time our spouse hurts our feelings or does wrong by us. Rather than letting go of our building grudge, we throw these instances at our spouses during arguments or when we’re trying to get our way. A reaction like this is very frustrating and likely will lead to strong negative feelings. This is even more important for Christians, because the entire premise of our faith is love and forgiveness. If you’re keeping a record of wrongs, you’re going against what Jesus taught us and the reason He died. Today, let go of any transgressions you might be holding onto. Let them fall into the past, and remember instead how much you care for your spouse. Pray that God will open your heart for selfless means and that He will help you keep anger out of your relationship.

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