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Recognizing Love, Part 2

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others ... 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

In today’s installment on recognizing love, we’re going to look at more of the outline laid out in 1 Corinthians to teach us about the kind of love that the Lord wants us to have with others. It is written that love does not envy. This is especially important for Christians. When we let envy into our hearts, it is showing God that we are not satisfied with what He has given us. Being jealous of the other person in your relationship can be very damaging, too. We are made to support one another, not to compare our possessions. The affection that draws us together should not be based on material things. Similarly, you should not brag to the ones for whom you care. Love does not boast and it will not show pride. When we draw attention to ourselves, we are stealing glory from God. As Christians, our lives are not just ours anymore, and should be used to spread the Gospel and give credit to our Father. Being prideful places your own value above the Lord’s and can foster ill feelings in your significant other. Love does not dishonor others. Each soul on Earth has value to God, and it is not our place to discount that worth. When you are having a disagreement, you should not slander your significant other, even to friends. This is especially true if you are husband and wife. Marriage is a holy union that bonds two souls together. If you cannot depend on your spouse to honor you, who will? Today, show love to your other half. Ask God to remove envy and pride from your heart and always remember to value and honor one another.

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