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Quiz Time

Being a Christian

  1. means I read the Bible every now and then.

  2. is knowing a lot about God.

  3. is having a personal, growing relationship with Christ.

Going to heaven

  1. is something I can hope for but can’t be sure of.

  2. is something I can know for sure.

  3. can only be attained by saints.

The first key to entrance through heaven’s gates is

  1. having a wallet full of money.

  2. having the right words to say at the right time.

  3. having an active, growing relationship with Christ.

The second part of the strategy Christ gives us is

  1. using people.

  2. using the gifts he’s given us to glorify him.

  3. using our credit cards wisely.

The third part of this strategy is

  1. wearing the right clothes to church.

  2. going on lots of mission trips.

  3. being involved in a ministry.

Having a ministry means

  1. going to China to build an underground church.

  2. reaching out to those around you as God directs.

  3. getting your own radio show.

Why didn’t all 10 bridesmaids get to meet the bridegroom?

  1. All 10 weren’t dressed properly.

  2. All 10 didn’t have oil for their lamps.

  3. All 10 weren’t well.

Jesus compares sheep to

  1. the Roman guards.

  2. those who know him personally and obey him.

  3. the angels.

Jesus compares goats to

  1. those who refuse to pay taxes.

  2. the magicians.

  3. those who claim to know him but don’t really have a personal relationship with him.

This is an excerpt from: Devos for Teens

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