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Putting out Fires

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1

It’s all too easy to get caught up in an argument and say things we don’t mean. When tempers flare, we can speak harsh words we can’t take back. Harsh words hurt the ones we love, and they facilitate a harsh response— escalating an argument that may never have gotten so out of hand with a gentle response. Today’s verse reminds us to speak not out of anger, but from our hearts, even in times of trouble.

A gentle answer has more power than we realize. In the worst of times, it can be nearly impossible to reply to someone else’s scathing tones in loving, gentle tones of our own. However, this is the only way to defuse a situation and put out a fire before it consumes us. Be the bigger person and end a pointless argument by replying in mild, yielding answers. A gentle reply is water on the flames, while harsh words are kindling.

Throughout the Bible, we often see the damage harsh words cause. Examples include the words of Jephthah to the Ephraimites, the Ephraimites to the Gileadites and Nabal to David’s servants. In every case, rough answers stir up anger and negative consequences. Harsh words often feel like accusations or a means of cutting your opponent down. Mild words, on the other hand, stir feelings of compassion instead of resentment.

The takeaway from this devotional is to endeavor to soften the matter for the sake of tranquility. These wise words from Proverbs are easier said than done. Remind yourself of this devotional any time you get into a heated argument with a loved one. Probe the source of the problem with kind, gentle responses instead of fighting fire with fire. Sharp, contemptuous words will only make a situation worse.

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