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Purity of Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

Everyone wants to be happy. The pursuit of peace and contentment is responsible for countless wars, dollars and journeys. Humans will go to the ends of the earth while searching for a sense of fulfillment. Unless these efforts involve God, they are in vain. Our souls need the presence of God. We’re incomplete without His grace. The feeling of emptiness and longing will persist as long as we are without Him. The only way for us to experience true happiness in this world is by purifying our hearts and placing our relationships with Christ at the top of our priorities. Altering our priorities this way frees us from one of the strongest emotions: envy. Christ completes our lives and fills the emptiness for which we try to compensate with material possessions. After these chains are broken, we no longer feel jealousy for things of the world. When we allow Jesus to take control of our lives, it will affect more than just our personal feelings. When we feel the peace and grace of God, we’ll be able to offer that same love to our fellow man. Other people will be able to see the peace within your heart that comes from a relationship with the Lord. Today, refocus your pursuits on the things that matter. Ask God to help you eliminate the unnecessary desires from your heart to make room for His purposes. Purify yourself from worldly wishes and you’ll be able to reach more people with the beauty of the Gospel.

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