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Preparing for New Year Pt 2

...and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:24

Today is the last day of December and this year. Yesterday, we worked to eliminate the turmoil from this year that had latched onto our hearts. After all, you must clear a garden before you can plant it. Now, we are going to focus on planting the seeds of God into our hearts so that this new year can be fruitful in the spirit.

The first thing to do is to pray to God. Ask Him to refresh the Holy Spirit within you and make your spirit and mind ready for His purposes. Tell Him to take control over your life and to provide you with guidance today, tomorrow and for the entirety of the next year.

Next, you must spend time in the Word. The best way for us to grow spiritually is to study the Bible. We find instruction, hope and problem solving throughout all chapters of the Book. In fact, God uses this to speak to us more often than any other platform. Make an effort to spend a few minutes reading His Word today, and it will soon become a habit that you can use every day.

Today, be ready to take on this new year! Know that God will be with you every step of the way, and that each time you ask, He will refresh you and cleanse your soul. It is impossible for our flesh to turn away from thoughts and temptations of the world, but if you run to Him, He will wipe them away as often as you need. So go into the new year remembering that you are a new creature in salvation and face the world with hope and faith.

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