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Preparing for New Year Pt 1

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds ....

Ephesians 4:22- 23

It’s almost time to embrace the new year. As we get older, each new year seems to go by faster than the one before. Surely this one has held its fair share of trials and triumphs for you and your family, but now it’s coming to a close. The best way to prepare yourself for a new year is to mimic the process that God completed during your salvation. First, you must discard the old and cleanse your soul. Then, you can make room for the new blessings.

Ready yourself on this day. Search your heart and identify all the negative feelings hiding within. Find the hatred or guilt or anger that has built up, and give it all to God. Ask Him to relieve you of it so that the space in your heart can be filled with something greater. You should also seek to forgive anyone who has wronged you, no matter how painful it may be. If we are to be like Christ, we must forgive as

He does.

This is also a good time to realize that the past is the past. There are important lessons that can stick with us, especially if they help to build your testimony, but many of the happenings of this year should be let go. We cannot make room for new memories if we are not willing to part with the old.

Today, complete this first step of preparation so that tomorrow, on New Year’s Eve, you can be ready to start the new year fresh.

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