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Preparation for the Soul

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

To bake a cake, you must have the right ingredients. You must combine them correctly, putt the batter in the pan and place it in the oven. If you’re any less prepared than that, you’re likely to have a mess on your hands instead of a dessert. Likewise, we must ready ourselves for the guidance of God before we can lead successful Christian lives. Many religious people teach ways of grace to people who are not equipped to change. What does that mean? It doesn’t matter how much time you spend reading the Bible if you don’t have a pure heart as a platform to accept the benefits. Jesus does not provide salvation to those who haven’t accepted Him as their Savior and allowed Him to come into their souls. Similarly, the church can teach about purifying motives, actions and desires for the rest of eternity, but deceitful hearts cannot be changed. When we accept Jesus, we allow our old selves to die. It’s vital that we let go of these portions so we can make room for renewal in Christ. Only after we have the proper equipment (a purified heart and soul) can we truly take advantage of His teachings and grace. Once

we do this, we’re able to begin reaching out and ministering to this lost and

dying world. Today, ask yourself if you’re full prepared to broadcast grace. If you’re not sure, spend some time talking about it with God. It may be the perfect opportunity for you to re-cleanse your heart and freshen the priorities for your life.

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