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Prayers for our Leaders

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peoplefor kings and all those in authority, that we may live

peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our savior.

1 Timothy 2:1-3

In today’s verse, Paul tells us that all leaders, from national to local, need our prayers. Prayer may not change their decisions or hearts, but it does please God, who is our ultimate leader and ruler.

Praying for leaders can be a daunting task, since they have so many duties and affect so many people. These things to pray over leaders can help you gain a new perspective on them and what they do.

Pray for their minds. Leaders have tons of things to think – pray for their clarity and focus in decision-making.

Pray for their feet, that your leaders will be safe wherever they go. Pray for their arms, that they will be strong enough to hold burdens and gentle enough to reach out to people around them.

Pray for their souls. Ask that non-Christian leaders come to know Jesus, and that Christian ones remain strong in faith.

Pray for their health, that all your leaders remain active, vital and able to complete the tasks before them.

Pray for their families. Leaders sacrifice time with their spouses, children and other family members to serve you every day.

Pray for their coworkers. Leaders need patience, especially when confronted with personalities, priorities or policies they don’t agree with. Pray for leaders’ speech, that it will be gracious, truthful and meaningful.

Pray against oppression, that anyone under an oppressive leader will find strength and hope in God and that the leader’s heart will be changed. Pray against disagreements, that disagreements between leaders and their people can happen without rage, violence or slander.

Pray for impartiality, that all leaders will be impartial, showing no favoritism.

Pray for humility, that your leaders will be humble enough to admit and try to rectify mistakes.

Pray for peace in your country, that your leaders won’t have to face the devastation of war.

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