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Prayer in Times of Plenty

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let the sing songs of praise.

James 5:13

Today’s verse isn’t about praising God when we need Him the most, but rather when we feel we’re doing fine on our own. When things are going well in our lives, we tend to become complacent. We may pray less or sing praise with less active intentions. We often make the mistake of only rendering our hearts to God when something bad happens or when we need guidance. Instead, give your heart to God even when things are going well.

We can all use a little reminder that God desires to be a part of every aspect

of our lives. While it’s true that He’s there for us in our times of need, He’s also

there for us in times of plenty. The best time to consult with and praise God is

when we believe we have our lives under control. This is the ideal opportunity to thank God for His blessings and hear more clearly the word of the Lord.

It’s God’s will that we pray continually—not every now and then when we’re crying out for help. Through success and achievement, we may become more comfortable in our lives and seek God less and less. When this happens, we close ourselves to the words of God. Instead of becoming remiss with your prayers in times of plenty, turn to God more often, with peace of mind, clarity and openness to hear Him.

If everything is going well in your life right now, take a moment to thank God and ask for His words. In your rational state of mind, you’ll hear more clearly from God to guide your steps with purpose. Honor God this day with a heart- felt communion, regardless of your circumstances. Keep in constant communication with the Lord, in times of poverty and of plenty.

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