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Prayer for Discipline

Discipline me, Lord, but only in due measure—not in your anger, or you will reduce me to nothing.

Jeremiah 10:24

In today’s verse, Jeremiah prays for God’s discipline. At first glance, this seems like a dangerous prayer, because we often equate “discipline” with “punishment.” Our parents or guardians may have used the terms interchangeably or made well-meant discipline feel like anger-driven punishment.

When reading Jeremiah 10:24 and similar verses, it’s crucial to remember there’s a difference. Anger tends to drive punishment—the punisher takes out his or her feelings on the punished. When this happens, the one being punished probably learns a lesson. However, guilt, sadness and resentment may follow.

In contrast, “discipline” comes from a root word meaning “to teach.” Like punishment, discipline may be painful, but the goal is to teach the one being disciplined how to do right the next time. This—not punishment—is God’s ultimate goal for us. He can and does punish, but only those who wholly reject Him and only as a last resort.

None of us grew up with perfect parents or guardians, but God is the perfect Father. He knows we need discipline because we are prone to disobey. He

also knows the kinds of discipline that will get through to each of us. Therefore,

God tailors our discipline not so we feel punished, but so we can learn from

the experience.

Do not be afraid of God’s discipline. Instead, recall how wise and merciful He is. Ask Him to teach you His ways and correct you when you sin. The answer to this prayer may not be pleasant, but you will learn from it and grow closer to your heavenly Father.

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