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Power in the Blood

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 26:28b

Christianity places much emphasis on Jesus’ blood. This emphasis can turn off nonbelievers and even some believers, who would prefer to focus on God’s love. God is the ultimate picture of love and mercy, but we can’t discount the importance of Jesus’ blood and sacrifice.

Sacrifice is a huge biblical theme. The Old Testament covenant, for example, required animal bloodshed for the forgiveness of sins. Leviticus and Numbers discuss laws based on tenets such as “an eye for an eye.” Large parts of the Old Testament concern the conquest of Canaan, a bloody endeavor indeed. Unfortunately, this type of bloodshed meant constant loss of life.

When God the Father planned Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, He intended it to be the last blood sacrifice for sin. Hebrews describes it as “once and for all,” meant for every person on Earth. Those who accept Christ are covered symbolically with His blood—guaranteed eternal life and earthly benefits of salvation because of

His sacrifice.

Bloodshed is never easy to think about or pleasant to discuss. However, Jesus’ blood and death are unique because they offer eternal hope. Unlike many examples of violence today, Jesus’ blood wasn’t spilled senselessly. As an old hymn says, “When He was on the cross, [you] were on His mind.” Better, because Jesus is God, His death wasn’t forever. He rose again, making His sacrifice the only one of its kind.

When you’re tired of violence and bloodshed, switch your focus to the one instance of bloodshed that offers hope. Thank Jesus for the blood spilled for you. Then celebrate it, sharing the message of His blood with others.

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