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Phillip and the Ethiopian

Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:30-31

Philip is one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, but this is the only passage that spotlights him specifically. Still, it is an important one from which Christians can glean much. It is often cited as a passage that explains a good way to witness to others. There are at least three valuable lessons in today’s passage. First, let’s zero-in on who was with Philip and the Ethiopian—or rather, who was not. Philip was simply walking along the road when he encountered the Ethiopian and shared Jesus with him one-on-one. Some Christians may believe the best way to witness is to a group of people. However, if your comfort zone is just a few, or even one person, that’s absolutely okay. Sharing Christ one-on-one may give you time to develop deeper relationships with people, too. Secondly, notice Philip wanted to know if the Ethiopian understood what he was reading. Often, nonbelievers will be curious about Jesus but may not understand everything about what we believe. When witnessing, ask others what they know and what they think about it. If they get something wrong, don’t jump to correct it immediately. Instead, explain patiently. Finally, remember witnessing opportunities can happen any time. Philip probably wasn’t expecting to encounter someone in need of Christ. Don’t wait for a church service or another opportunity where the Gospel might “naturally” be shared. Get to know people and their stories. Express your beliefs in everyday conversation, without pressing for a decision right away. The more genuine and open you are, the more attracted to your faith others will be.

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