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Persevering Through Temptation

When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. James 1:13-14

We face temptation in our world every single day. There are instances as small as eating an extra cookie and ones as large as committing adultery. Some people believe that they should be exempt from such desires once they are born again, but God never promised that we would be without temptation. Even Jesus had to deal with such impulses during His time on Earth. The Bible says that He was “tempted in every way, just as we are—and yet He did not sin.” We can’t expect to be as sinless as Jesus was. It simply is not possible for the flesh to change its desires. However, we can spend more time within our hearts and minds to train for victory over these urges. One of the best ways to prepare to face these challenges is by reading the Bible. It outlines countless situations and decisions a Christian should make. Studying God’s will can help you remember what He would want and make the correct decisions. Prayer also is vital to resisting temptation. We strengthen the bond between us when we speak to Jesus. He will offer you guidance for your decisions. Plus, the more frequently you communicate with Him, the more natural it will be to consider His will in your actions. Forming intimacy with God is training. Today, try to call out for help whenever you are feeling tempted. Pause before you make a decision and think about what the Word of God says you should do. In most cases, your spirit will know even before you ask. What’s more, every victory over desire feels so much better than succumbing to the urge ever could.

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