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Patience in Affliction

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12

In today’s verse, “affliction” does not mean everyday trouble, like a washing machine that won’t work or a traffic jam on the freeway. Here, Paul is referring to ongoing and severe physical and emotional affliction, the kind that can wear a Christian down over time like coffee and wine wearing down tooth enamel.

This type of affliction has been described as feeling pressed or crushed, almost claustrophobic. It might be the way you feel when your spouse of 20 years suddenly decides to separate or cheats on you. You might feel this way when

aced with the news your baby has a severe disability or when someone you love with all your heart dies. It’s not a pleasant feeling, and it’s not one that will let up anytime soon.

Arguably, Paul knew this type of affliction better than most believers. He describes many physical torments he endured for Christ’s sake, such as being whipped, beaten with rods, stoned and shipwrecked. He also describes emotional torment via his “thorn in the flesh,” which never went away despite fervent prayers. Perhaps Paul is the most qualified to tell us to be patient in affliction. Yet, how do we do it?

Patience of any kind isn’t easy, especially the kind cultivated during affliction. It must be possible to cultivate this patience, though, or God wouldn’t have inspired Paul to write about it. If you are in a season of affliction, pray about how to remain patient and joyful while it runs its course. Some key ways to do so include:

  • Reach out to others. Find a support group or ask for godly counsel from a pastor or friend.

  • Take care of yourself physically. Eat right, exercise and get enough sleep.

  • Stay grounded in the Bible and prayer.

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