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Passing Through the Valley

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage; as they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs.

Psalm 84:5-6

“Baka” is a Hebrew word meaning “toil” or “tears.” Christians often use these words in connection with their “valleys” or periods in their lives involving difficult circumstances. Perhaps that’s why the writer of today’s Psalm talked about sojourners of God making a valley of tears a place of springs – a cool and refreshing oasis.

No Christian likes the idea of going through valleys. In fact, we plan ahead as much as we can to avoid them. Unfortunately, valleys and trials often come before we can do anything, and they are part of our journey with Christ. Some trials, such as cancer, a death in our family, or the loss of our home, are not ones we can fix. Often, God allows us to walk through a time of tears in order to help us grow

and learn.

Of course, God understands this isn’t easy. Making a valley “a place of springs” does not mean acting happy when you don’t feel it or pretending trials don’t exist. Instead, it means leaning on God and letting Him carry you when you spiritually can’t keep walking. It means searching for His peace and rejoicing as you find it. Those who do this, God promises, are blessed.

Are you or someone you know going through a Valley of Baka today? It may seem small and insignificant to you, but every valley is a place of growth and blessing for God. Ask Him what He wants to show you, and request the strength and courage you need to see it and learn.

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