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Open Spiritual Eyes

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

Psalm 119:18

Have you ever tried to complete a task while you were only half-awake? The results are often not beneficial. You might trip and fall, stumble or miss important details in class or at work. As we go to school, work or indulge in our hobbies, it’s crucial to keep our physical eyes open at all times. That way, we ensure that we miss nothing. We protect ourselves from getting hurt or making mistakes.

God gives us spiritual eyes for the same purpose. They are there to guide us through His Word and show us how to live strong Christian lives. However, many Christians stumble through their spiritual lives as if half awake. They know the basics of the Bible, so they become complacent about what it says. They rush through prayers to get to other tasks or miss opportunities to serve others.

The good news is that you can open spiritual eyes any time, just like physical ones. Today, ask God if you’re “sleeping” in any spiritual areas. When He answers, ask Him to revive you and open your eyes. Then respond with clear vision. Read a Bible passage you haven’t seen in a while, and record what it says to you.

Change your prayer time with music, audiobooks or a nature walk. Participate

in a new ministry.

Once your eyes are open again, ask the Holy Spirit to keep them open. Search for ways God speaks in your everyday world. Evidence of Him might be a coworker covering for you when you’re sick or your child drawing you a special picture. When you find these times, rejoice because God lets you see them.

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