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Not Left as Orphans

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

John 14:18

Orphans are popular characters in literature and movies. From Little Orphan Annie to Harry Potter, it seems that many major protagonists of the stories we loved as children are orphans. Characters in adult stories fit this description, too. Orphan status is a device writers often use to force their characters to be smarter, stronger and more courageous.

However, being an orphan in real life is nowhere near as romanticized or adventurous as it is in stories. Furthermore, everyone has felt like an orphan at some point, even if they have living parents. You can feel like an orphan if you don’t have many friends nearby, if no one seems to understand your situation, or if any family member is absent or has died. Orphan status is one of the loneliest and frustrating in the world.

It’s no coincidence that Jesus reassures His disciples and us that we won’t be left as orphans. We can’t see Him or physically interact with Him, just as the disciples couldn’t once He ascended to Heaven. Jesus was prepared for this, and so He sent the Holy Spirit. This third member of the Trinity nurtures and guides us like an inner parent. He comforts us when we’re lonely or sad, and He clears our minds when we’re confused.

Today, if you’re in a situation that makes you feel like an orphan, meditate on this verse. Thank God for choosing to live in you through the Holy Spirit, and ask for an outpouring of that Spirit on your daily life. You may be physically alone sometimes, but God is always with you.

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