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No Stain Too Deep

Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 1 Timothy 1:13

Paul has plenty of negative descriptors for himself in today’s verse, and it’s not likely any Christians in his era would contradict him. Paul was guilty of all the things he says he is, and he says he “acted in ignorance.” Essentially, he calls himself stupid for persecuting and killing Christians. To the human eye, Paul does not look like the kind of person Jesus would use to spread the Gospel and further His kingdom. Yet, Paul was the exact person He chose, despite Paul’s past. Paul’s story can offer hope to any Christian who has a particularly sinful past, as well as one who doesn’t but feels he or she can’t be used by God for whatever reason. Bible teacher Lisa Harper describes Paul’s history with Christians as a “stain” on his resume. She goes on to say we all have these, whether they are significant sins, small ones or simply embarrassing moments or things we don’t like about ourselves. Any of these can make us feel disqualified. Again and again, God chooses people who seem the least qualified to do His work. He lifts them up, shows them the depth of His love, and equips them to do what they thought they could not. Today, think about the “stains” or disqualifications on your spiritual resume. Bring them before God and tell Him how they impact you. Then be still and listen as He reassures you of His love and your potential. He will use everything on your resume—the stains and the accomplishments—to grow you into the person He wants you to be.

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