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No Pity Parties

“I don’t believe our son’s birth was a genetic accident,” said the mother of a five-month-old boy with Down syndrome. “We feel the Lord had a perfect plan.”

Many mothers, like this one, can speak with this kind of confidence because they’ve embraced the beauty of Psalm 139. While it’s true that “such knowledge is too wonderful . . . to understand” (139:6) fully, this young mother has learned the truth that God is the master crafter of all human beings. He has woven each of us together in the darkness of our mother’s wombs and made us wonderfully complex (139:13-14).

Have you ever complained about one of your physical characteristics? Be honest! Maybe you don’t like your big nose or your googly eyes. You might be embarrassed because you think you are too tall, too short, too skinny, or too plump. If only you could look like your friend, you could be a better person, get a better job, and have more fun. But you’ve probably also discovered that pity parties aren’t much fun and certainly don’t honor God, our Creator.

Only God’s labels for us hold real truth. The Bible is rich with descriptors that each of us display. “Handmade by God,” “image-bearer of God,” “significant,” “honored,” “dearly loved child,” and “secure in God’s hand” are just some of the words that describe God’s handiwork.

In addition to self-imposed labels, we can be hurt by man-made labels. This is especially true for people with disabilities who sometimes appear to be deficient or incompetent even though they are not. These harmful perceptions often lead to name-calling. Covering up God’s labels with unattractive words is degrading and offensive, and should not be tolerated. Psalm 139 gives the right kind of labels for God’s children. This is partly why this psalm is beloved by so many who choose to focus on all that God has created in them and in their precious children.

This is an excerpt from: Beyond Suffering Bible

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