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No Fishing Allowed

As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions

from us.

Psalm 103:12

A pastor once said that when God forgives and saves you, He tosses all your sins into a deep sea and posts a sign: No Fishing Allowed! Tongue in cheek though that description may be, it’s apt for almost all Christians. That is, we know we’ve been forgiven. We know we are saved from sin and death and that God will never leave us. We know He chooses to remember our sins no more. Still, we’re always picking up our mental fishing poles and dragging up those old, smelly sins as if they were fresh fish.

This is a sin in itself, because it communicates that Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t enough for us. Why do we still do it? Often, the answer lies in perspective.

We know God see's us as righteous, but the tough reality is that we have to deal with our human selves every day. We can’t choose not to remember. Sometimes our sins smack us in the face. Even worse, sometimes other people bring up past sins to make us feel guilty.

Maybe you’ve gone fishing lately, but you want to stop. First, get alone with God and ask Him to show you that you are forgiven, once and for all. Pray openly about how those sins made you feel. Ask Him to help you remember only what is important—that you were rescued from them. If others constantly bring up your past, set boundaries. Explain that their reminders are making change hard, and you would appreciate more support. It may be necessary to get those people out of your life for a while. In that case, you may need a pastor or counselor’s help. Whatever you decide to do, remember one rule: No fishing!

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