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No Condemnation

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

The first chapter of Romans begins with a much-needed message of hope. For Jews and Christians in Paul’s era, condemnation was probably a daily occurrence. Religious groups like the Pharisees and Sadducees constantly burdened their followers with laws impossible to keep, yet condemned them for not keeping every single law. Considering that the Torah alone contains 613 separate laws, obedience was a full-time job at which no one, not even the most righteous Pharisee,

could succeed. Today’s Christians don’t have actual Pharisees in their lives, but many deal with people who act like the Pharisees of ancient Israel. These people judge others regularly and hold others to higher standards than they hold themselves. Modern Pharisees also make excuses for their own sins and tend to blame sin for everything, even things that happen because of a fallen world, such as disease. Attitudes like this often lead to legalism, or a form of religion in which believers try in their own strength to be perfect. Some believers do this out of fear for their salvation. Others do it because they want to feel better than someone else, perhaps a person who hurt them. As Paul himself could attest, legalism is a miserable way to live. It often results in anger, bitterness and, in cases like Paul’s, the delusion that sinful attitudes are godly. How good it is to have this verse, which promises absolutely no condemnation for those who are in Christ. If you are a believer, your past, present and future sins are already forgiven. You do not stand condemned, and so you need not condemn yourself or anyone else. Ask God to show you the truth of your freedom and celebrate it today.

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