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New Seasons

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV

Summer begins a fresh season. Maybe newness is on your mind. You’ll notice buds in your garden, cherish baby animals, welcome warm weather and embrace several other changes. New growth will bud and flourish in summer and prepare to go dormant in autumn. Eventually, it will die off in winter so next spring can bring more rejuvenation.

Some people look at this cycle of seasons and feel sad or discouraged. They want things to stay as they are for longer so they can hold on to favorite memories or special parts of each season. These feelings are natural. They reflect the setting of eternity in everyone’s heart. We sometimes rebel against time because deep down, we know good things aren’t supposed to end.

Yet today’s verse tells us that as long as we’re on Earth, we’ll experience time. Moreover, there’s a time for every purpose. You can allow this verse (and the chapter it comes from) to encourage you. If you’re in the midst of a difficult season, focus on the promise that it’ll eventually end to make room for a new one. If you’re in a good season, don’t fear that difficult ones may be coming. Instead, enjoy

what you have now. Try to look at difficult seasons as opportunities for growth

and change.

Finally, remember that God is with you in every season. He created the physical seasons and oversees the emotional and spiritual ones in our lives. Always allow Him to guide you through each of yours.

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